These small flowering perennials bloom on and off all year for bright spots of color in a home landscape.
Though there are many more perennials than listed here, each of these plants is commonly used and most are usually available from plant nurseries. All require regular water but don't like being kept overly wet.
(Evolvulus glomeratus)
Grows 8 to 10 inches tall and is often used as a groundcover. Full sun to part shade. Bright blue flowers close up for a midday nap.
(Bulbine frutescens)
Attracts butterflies with orange or yellow flowers. Groundcover or border plant. Overall size about 2 feet. Cold and drought tolerant, full to partial sun.
(Euryop pectinatus)
Likes full to part sun and a regular "haircut." Keep about 2 feet tall. Moderately cold hardy. Accent or lining the front of the shrub border.
Sometimes called "Alder." Some varieties grow bushy - like the yellow pictured right - and can be kept at 2 feet. Others, like the white variety pictured above, stay low and can be used as a groundcover. Full to part sun.
(Orthosiphon aristatus)
Wispy blooms in lavender or white that attract butterflies. Part sun to part shade, trim to about 2 feet. Accent plant.
Comes in a rainbow of colors and likes full to part sun. Some tend to grow leggy - cut back regularly to stay full and bushy at about 2 feet. The white and the purple lantanas stay lower, and multi-colored Anne Marie (pictured above) grows in a well-behaved mound. Excellent butterfly plant. Said to be deer resistant. Accent or groundcover.
(Cuphea hyssopifolia)
Likes full to part sun and grows to a foot tall. Plant for front of the border, planter boxes, or grow in "drifts." Cut it back several times a year. Attracts butterflies and honeybees love it.
(Pentas lanceolata)
Great butterfly and hummingbird attractors that do best in part sun to part shade. Dwarf varieties are the ones to buy since they only get about 2 feet tall and come in pinks, purples, red and white.
(Pachystachys lutea)
Unique golden flower bracts and white blossoms for a part sun or part shade area. Blooms during warm months and grows 2 to 3 feet tall. Use behind shorter plants in a mixed bed or butterfly garden.
(Tulbaghia violacea)
Likes full sun to part shade and looks its best when planted in groups several deep. Grows about 2 feet overall. Said to be deer-resistant. Has a tweak-your-nose aroma so best in open areas.
(Catharanthus roseus)
Sometimes called "Periwinkle." It's super easy-care, drought tolerant and likes full to part sun. Available in many colors. Keep trimmed to about 1 to 1-1/2 feet. Nice around the mailbox or a specimen plant or grouped in a mixed bed.
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